Pornography - Boon or Bane?
Friday, August 6, 2010 5:58 AM By yeeharkk
Pornography is immoral in the society. It portrays women in a bad light. Pornography serves as stimulation to many for sex, but I feel that it is morally incorrect. Pornography can be classified into many different forms. Porn may provide as an excitement to many, but it might make people feel disgusted by it too. Porn is mainly for males and many of this illustrates women as a sex object to man. However, women are not sex objects that you can use and dispose off as and when you like, but what exactly is the purpose of porn?

While many have argued on this controversial topic, I take my stand that pornography is morally incorrect. Though many have said that porn is a good thing for it provides a platform for those that have sexual desires and they use it to curb it, but I do not feel that is the case. Even if they need a platform to curb their sexual desires, one cannot deny the fact that porn is still portrays women in a bad light. It is still a platform where women are treated like sex toys and I feel that that should not be the case about women for it degrades them.

In addition to the fact that porn degrades women, it also influences the minds of many. In one edition of 'Crime Watch', they talked about an incident, where a teenager molested a girl, in other words, outrage the modesty of another. What caused him to perform such an 'act' when he was fully aware of the consequences of molest? It was because his friend influenced him to watch porn. After watching porn, he started to have an addiction for porn and he let his thoughts run wild. That caused him to have a criminal record. That caused him to commit a serious mistake that he cannot salvage anymore.

Therefore, I feel that pornography is not something that is good, as it degrades women. Furthermore, it also causes significant damage for those that intoxicates themselves with porn. It's a bane to society.


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Corporal Punishment
Sunday, July 18, 2010 12:08 AM By yeeharkk
Corporal punishment is basically physical punishment. Any form of punishment, which uses physical damage to punish anyone. In Singapore, corporal punishment in schools is illegal, but how many children are at the receiving end of caning, or rather, disciplined by through caning? I believe that parents, no matter how naughty their children are, should not cane children.

Corporal punishment is too violent a punishment for children. When being punished physically, they do not feel like they are in the wrong. Through caning, my parents feel that caning will be a good reminder for the child, who will get hurt through the process and will try not to do it again. However, is that the case?

Every teenager these days have their own ideas, what they want to do and what they feel is correct. When parents cane their children, most of them do not change for the better. Instead, they become more and more rebellious. Caning hurts the child, and they will fell they did nothing wrong as they do what they feel is correct. Since they feel they are correct, caning a child will make them feel that their parents are accusing them of doing something they think is right. Hence, is caning really the best solution to punish your child?

Caning is definitely not the best way to solve the behavioural problems of children. Caning does leave a lasting impression of the children, but it does not leave a positive effect on the child at the receiving end of corporal punishment. They do not learn. However, in the article, I do not believe that grounding and removing privileges will help either. Indeed that grounding and removing the privileges of your child does make them behave as they want those privileges, but they will also become rebellious as they feel their parents are still controlling their lives.

In conclusion, caning is definitely not a way to go as a method of disciplining your children, and grounding your child might be the best way you can do it now. However, is there really a perfect solution to discipline a child?

Yee Hark


Blogger c farrell said...

Where on earth did you get the idea that corporal punishment is illegal in Singapore schools? It is even used in your own school! Not only is it legal, it is encouraged by the government. See and

March 25, 2012 at 2:57 PM  

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Tuesday, July 13, 2010 1:22 AM By yeeharkk
Recently, we started learning about war poems. War takes on many different forms, from civil wars to racial wars. There are many different reasons why people go to war, but I am focusing on a 'so-called' reason, patriotism.

Patriotism is not a reason that started war, but more of a reason why some soldiers want to take part in the war. However, what is true patriotism?

The dictionary meaning of the root word of this term, which is patriotic, is having or expressing devotion to and vigorous support for one's country.

That above merely states that having devotion to the country. However, what does it take to be truly patriotic? Let's say that a guy called Peter really loves his country. What he does when he goes to China is that he goes around saying that Singapore is the best and China sucks to the core. Is this the right way to be patriotic?

How can one become patriotic? That's the point that I want to make. In order for one to be patriotic, he obviously has to love his country. However, conveying that patriotism correctly is of utmost importance. Like Peter I mentioned above, he loves his country but uses the wrong way to convey it. By putting it in the above way, it will only cause damages to the country as the country will have a harder time to maintain a peaceful relationship with China.

That obviously can't be true patriotism. However, it is difficult to have true patriotism as it is very tough to achieve as a student for you can't help the country. The only thing we can do as students is to help the community as much as possible by being volunteers to improve people's standard of living slightly.

Yee Hark


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Effects of War
Sunday, June 27, 2010 1:25 AM By yeeharkk
This is the mind map I have done for effects of war.

I watched the Band of Brothers and some of the Youtube videos recommended.


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Merchant of Venice Mind Map
12:20 AM By yeeharkk


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Home Learning Part 2
Monday, May 24, 2010 6:44 PM By yeeharkk
Children in the Darkness
There are children in the darkness

Who have not seen the light
There are children in the darkness
Who someone will teach to fight

Chalk and blackboards will not be
To this door there is no key
From this life they can not flee
And these children are not free

Could we simply light a candle
Could we give them half a chance
Could we teach them how to read
Could we teach them how to dance

Or will a war consume them
Their body and their soul
Will their life and blood be poured
Down some endless thirsty hole

Back into the darkness
From which there is no flight
Back into the darkness
Into which there shines no light

Steps in Analysis
Point of View:
Point - This is from the narrator point of view.
Evidence - 'Their body and their soul'
Elaboration - he refers to the soldiers as 'their' as he is narrating.

Situation & Setting:
Point - the situation of the poem is how youths are being dragged into the war.
Evidence - 'There are children in the darkness/who someone will teach to fight'
Elaboration - The children are being thought on how to fight in the war, which shows how they are dragged into the war.

Point - there is repetition of the word 'darkness'.
Evidence - 'There are children in the darkness/Who have not seen the light /There are children in the darkness/Who someone will teach to fight'
Elaboration - this repetition of 'darkness' is used to emphasise how dark the future of the youths going to war are.

Personal Response:
Point - The poem evokes a sense of sympathy for the youths.
Evidence - 'Could we teach them how to read/Could we teach them how to dance'
Elaboration - they do not even have the time to learn how to read and yet they are brought into war which allows us to sympathise with them.


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Home Learning
4:09 PM By yeeharkk
Children in the Darkness

There are children in the darkness
Who have not seen the light
There are children in the darkness
Who someone will teach to fight

Chalk and blackboards will not be
To this door there is no key
From this life they can not flee
And these children are not free

Could we simply light a candle
Could we give them half a chance
Could we teach them how to read
Could we teach them how to dance

Or will a war consume them
Their body and their soul
Will their life and blood be poured
Down some endless thirsty hole

Back into the darkness
From which there is no flight
Back into the darkness
Into which there shines no light

This poem, 'Children in the Darkness', refers to the many youths that have to be sacrificed in the war. They are in the darkness refers to how they are trapped in the dark horrors of the war.

The conflict of this poem is how the youths are trapped and is unable to escape from the war. They are only immature youths that are people have to 'teach them how to read' and 'teach them how to dance'. They have not even enjoyed their childhood and yet they are being taught how to fight a war which they might lose their lives in.

This conflict in the poem shows how the conflict between countries in the war affects the lives. The war will definitely have a negative impact on those that fight in the war and remains a big fight against the psychological impact they will have after the war.


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